µAI platform

Writing Together the Augmentation Playbook.

About us

Founded on a shared passion for pushing creative boundaries and leveraging sciences, we built an opened, collaborative and purpose driven micro AI platform.

Our journey is fueled by a commitment to teamwork, open mindedness, inquisitiveness and the joy to create with purpose

key features

Key Activities to Learn & Leverage AI

Explore and Learn – Discover and Test – Prototype and Demonstrate

Hit the road and start your journey ! Only practice makes it perfect.

Learning by Doing

Either a learner or a teacher, design learning paths, build syllabus and increase individual and collective capabilities.

Solving by Prompting

Frame issues, set up problems, design solutions leveraging the power of generative AI

Achieving by Teaming Up

Foster seamless collaboration with our real-time platform, connecting users instantly for efficient communication and shared experiences.

Carry out Outstanding Studies at the Cutting Edge of Knowledge Technology

Our platform offers research/strategy/foresight teams an integrated, opened, collaborative working approach to carry out studies at the cutting edge of knowledge technology.

Join forces to co-design and co-deliver study work packages leveraging both human talent and AI knowledge power in the field of : foresight, strategy, benchmarking, R&D road mapping, innovation, marketing, and technology review.

Collaborative Proof of Concept Sprint

Enhance your Proof of Concepts with group genius and a state of the art AI console where you have all market LLMs at your fingertips.

Accelerate your portfolio with flair using our dynamic sprint approach. Streamline communication and project management with our collaborative hub. Keep Product Owners in the loop, share progress updates, and gather feedback effortlessly in one centralized space.

Collaborative Workshops

From AI Induction to Project Portfolio Design to Start Up Clinics

Our array of workshop services is tailored to meet your diverse needs. From personalized solutions to expert support, we’re committed to delivering excellence in every event we design and moderate.

Tailored Session Design

Benefit from a proven collaborative design methodology (based on ASE concepts developed by MG Taylor) that meets your unique needs, helps you design your learning objectives, and provides strategic insights into your key issues.

Augmented Session Preparation

Secure and enhance the preparation of your session content leveraging our augmented advisory services. Orchestrate the dramaturgy and engineer the proper pedagogy to achieve your change goals and make it a very memorable experience

Key Moment of Leadership

Take advantage of professional facilitation to make your session a highlight of your leadership. Experience the wealth of your collective and the benefits of letting go


A Diverse Portfolio of Cases

Discover a showcase of our typical work. From studies to trainings to proofs of concepts, explore how we use AQUIA to perform and to transform.

Ready to catch the AI wave?

Ready to kick off your journey ? Let’s bring your expectations and concerns to life ! Explore your triggers, Frame your agenda, Generate options and Secure your decision making. Let’s get in touch today for a consultation. Together, we’ll make it happen.


Contact us

Got questions or ready to start a conversation ? We’re all ears! Reach out to us today to discuss your ideas, schedule a consultation, or simply say hello. We can’t wait to hear from you!